Why With Us?
Experience Matters
Amongst the crowd of new trekking and expedition companies sprouting every day, Seven Summit Treks has something of a history, and culture and experience that comes with it.
Expedition success rate
Climbers on top of 8000m
Climber summit rate
Climber summit rate
Experience Matters
When it comes to scaling the peaks, dangers are plenty. Although the mountains seem serene and gentle from a distance, the weather there is treacherous. The terrain can be downright unforgiving and to have someone accompanying you, who has been tested by the mountains time and again and have come victorious through and through, can be the greatest of advantages. Our guides, Sherpas and team leaders have years and years of experience in mountaineering, and understand the whims of Himalayas, as much as it’s humanly possible. Over the years, they have been trained to coordinate in a hostile terrain and take immediate actions. It is something a recently established, youth startups cannot offer. Less demanding adventures and activities also comes with their risk. But our staffs are always well prepared.
Network and Reliability
We are proud of our network , experienced and professional firms offering related services, which has transcended the border. A proper network is an important asset considering that regular information exchange, resource sharing, and coordination while conducting treks and expedition. Our network has mostly proved useful for averting foul weather, route disruptions, booking flights and hotels, etc. hence, sparing the guests of delays and difficulties. This enables us to provide our services with reliability.
Personalization of Service
Every treks and expedition company will claim about having a ‘superior service, ‘uniqueness in hospitality’, ‘satisfaction of clients’, etc. But no one can do it better than Seven Summit Treks, which has spent over two decades doing the same. Over the years, our service system has been refined to an extent that we have been expert in providing client specific services. Although most of our packages are standardized over the years, we are flexible in terms of our offer. We are mindful of the fact that all our clients are different depending on time, budget, interest and vigor and hence we readily offer alterations on our itineraries and packages depending on those various factors. However, one can rest assured that we also do not discriminate over the size of the group of guests.
Environmental Commitments
Tourism itself has its downsides pertaining to society and environment. The piling of corpses and garbage in the mountainous region is not certainly unheard of. We, are however highly cautious of the fact and exercise caution regarding the matter. At times, we have been in a forefront of conducting campaigns done to protect the pristine environment near the trekking and expedition area. We are a supporter of sustainable tourism and believe that the present generation should utilize the resources without compromising the ability of coming generations to do the same. Of course, that doesn’t affect our ability to fulfill our guest’s need in any way.
Support to Social Causes
We have been a great supporter of local businesses, countrymen and service providers who are essential cogs in the machine called Nepali Tourism Industry. The Sherpas and potters, who run the risk of encountering death on regular basis, mostly hail from a downtrodden family. The geographical features, that onlookers find so charming is not actually bountiful. Seven Summit treks has been providing chances to such family with poor economic condition so as to improve the life standard of the people. In addition to that, our company continues to advance the lives of people in the rural area: the people whose lives have been affected by tourism in some way. During the earthquake of 2015, Seven Summit Treks distributed reliefs to earthquake affected tourism areas so that they can get back onto their feet. Out of our satisfied clientele, some were interested in organizing charity or providing donations, in which case, we made sure that they came in contact with right people.
Right Service in the Right Price
People from all around the world picks Seven Summit Treks for assisting or guiding them in their adventures in the Himalayan Region because we offer packages at reasonable price without compromising safety and quality of Service to our valuable clients. We do not take advantages of the naivety of our guests and provide services based strictly on company rules and regulations.
Genuine and Authentic Company
Seven Summit Treks is established under Company Act 2053 and Tourism Act 2035 (Registration No: 68492/066/067. Pan No: 304311183). The company is licensed by Tax Department of Nepal as a taxpayer, and also by Central Bank of Nepal as foreign currency acceptable company from foreigners and members of national and international tourism umbrella organizations. We follow the rules and regulations set forth by the government and strongly condemn any illegal activities that might take place within the nation. We are committed to security of our guests and under no circumstance, put the lives of our guests in jeopardy. It is a reliable, reputed, genuine and authentic company you can count upon.