Partnerships and networking are CEN's key working modalities. CEN at the national level has become a hub for organizations working on climate change and clean air issues in Nepal. Currently, CEN is serving as a secretariat for the Clean Air Network Nepal (CANN), Climate Change Network of Nepal (CCNN), Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA) and Nepalese Youth for Climate Action (NYCA).
Climate Change Network Nepal (CCNN) is one of the oldest and pioneer networks on CC, which started its activities as an informal task group in 2003 to convenience government to ratify Kyoto Protocol, later on, the task group was expanded then it was named as CCNN. Its goal is to contribute to build climate resilient communities in Nepal through the process of informing, empowering and influencing the Nepalese people and government to take effective actions towards addressing climate change and its impacts. CEN is a founder member and currently a secretariat of CCNN. For further detail visit
VISIT WEBSITENepalese Youth for Climate Action (NYCA) s a national wide youth network established in 2009 as coalition of Nepali youth and youth groups. NYCA inspire, educate, empower and mobilize young Nepalese to create a future that is economically prosperous, environmentally sustainable, and socially justice. Its mission is to protect Nepal from the adverse impacts of climate change through a diverse, nationwide, youth-led movement. Since its establishment CEN is serving as a secretariat to NYCA. For further information
VISIT WEBSITEClean AirNetwork Nepal (CANN) as formed in 2004 to forge collaboration and networking among all the relevant stakeholders to tackle the air pollution problem in Nepal. CANN works as a semi-formal network of individuals, experts, national and international nongovernmental organizations, governmental organizations and private sector engaged in clean air business. CANN is working as local country network of Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) which is a multi-stakeholder network of institutions and individuals committed to improving air quality management (AQM) in Asian cities. CEN is a founder member and currently a secretariat of CANN.
VISIT WEBSITEClimate Action Network South Asia (CANSA) s a regional network of more than 90 NGOs in 6 countries of South Asia. CANSA activities are guided by two broad objectives: establishing a strong voice of South Asia in negotiations and contributing to CAN international policy advocacy and lobby work; secondly, targeting SAARC towards a regional cooperation at least from Climate Change perspectives. CEN is a founder member and currently a national secretariat of CANSA. For further detail visit:
VISIT WEBSITENGO Network on Climate Change (NGONCC) s a loose network of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) of Nepal established in 2007. The objectives of the network is to raise awareness amongst key development NGO’s in Nepal on climate change and development issues, establish forum or group of such NGO’s who meet regularly and carry out joint activity and support in generation of knowledge, technology transfer and policy advocacy. CEN is a founder member of NGONCC, for further detail visit