Stream Selector

Full Name Reshma Bhattarai
User ID 5004
Date 5/4/2019 17:00:06
Gender Female

Profile Summary

Our unique computer algorithm shows that, you are primarily very highly WARM-AGREEABLE & very highly WARM-AGREEABLE person. You perform better when you get an opportunity to working in Realistic & Investigative work environment.

Stream Match


Interest Profiler

Summary of your scores in Six Domains of Holland Personality

Domain Name STEN Score Level Domain Code Percentile %
7.3 high R 81.6
Investigative 2.3 inconsiderable I 5.6
Artistic 5.3 moderate A 46.8
Social 8.9 very high S 95.6
Enterprising 3.8 slight E 20.4
Conventional 4.1 slight C 24.8

Your Interest Radar

Reshma Bhattarai, please, be advised that your Holland code is RI (Realistic-Investigative).You can use this Holland code to research more about your personality/career.

Your Holland Code

Detail Description of 6 Domains
Realistic R
Realistic person is a doer. Realistic person is conforming, dogmatic, genuine and hardheaded. Sometimes she/he can be inflexible and materialistic but being persistent, practical, realistic and reserved defines her/him. She/he tends to see herself/himself as a practical and conservative person with better manual and mechanical skills than social skills. Others tend to perceive her/him as humble, frank, self-reliant and persistent. A realistic person tends to avoid much interaction with others.You are highly realistice person.
Investigative I An investigative person is a thinker. She/he is analytical, cautious, complex and critical. Being independent, intellectual, precise, rational, reserved and unassuming defines her/him best. Activities and occupations that involve exploring and understanding things and events seem most suitable for her/him. An investigative person deeply values knowledge, learning, achievement and independence. She/he tends to see self as an analytical, intelligent, and skeptical person with better academic than social skills. Others tend to perceive them as introverted, scholarly, intelligent and independent. They also tend to avoid having to persuade others or sell them things. You are inconsiderablely investigative person.
Artistic A Artisctic person is a creator. An artistic individual is complicated, expressive, imaginative, impulsive and intuitive. Sometimes she/he could also be disorderly, emotional, nonconforming, open and sensitive. Artistic person deeply values creative ideas, self-expression and beauty. She/he tends to see self as open to experience, imaginative intellectual and as having better creative skills than clerical or office skills. Others tend to perceive her/him as sometimes unusual, disorderly, creative and sensitive. Atristic person also tend to avoid routines and rules. You are moderately artistic person.
Social S Person with social-helper attributes is agreeable, cooperative, friendly, helpful and idealistic. Being kind, patient, responsible, sociable and understanding defines her/him best. Activities and occupations that involve helping, teaching, counseling, or serving others seem most suitable for her/him. Social person deeply values social service, fairness and understanding. She/he tends to see self as empathetic, patient and as having more social than mechanical skills. Others tend to perceive her/him as helpful, agreeable, outgoing and patient and also tend to avoid mechanical and technical abilities. You are very highly social person.
Enterprising E Enterprising individual is persuader-leader. She/he is adventurous, ambitious, assertive, domineering and energetic. Excitement-seeking, forceful, optimistic, resourceful and self-confident define her/him best. Enterprising person deeply values financial and social success, loyalty, risk taking and responsibility. She/he tends to see self as confident, sociable and as having more sales and persuasive skills than scientific ability. Others tend to perceive her/him as energetic, extroverted, shrewd but ambitious. She/he also tends to avoid scientific, intellectual or complicated topics. You are slightly enterprising person.
Conventional C Conventional individual is organizer by nature. She/he is careful, conforming, conscientious, dogmatic and efficient. Being methodical, obedient, persistent, thorough and thrifty defines her/him best. You deeply value accuracy, making money, thrift, and power in business or social affairs.Conventional-organizer tends to see self as conscientiousness and practical and having better technical skills in business or production than artistic abilities. Others tend to perceive her/him as careful, rule-oriented, efficient and orderly. She/he also tends to avoid work that does not have clear directions. You are slightly conventional person.

Interpersonal Characteristic

Below is your profile on interpersonal characteristic (how you intereact with others) based on BIG FIVE THEORY.

Interpersonal Traits STEN Level Percentile %
5.6 moderate 52.0
COLD-HEARTED DE 7.1 high 79.1
ALOOF-INTROVERTED FG 7.9 very high 88.3
UNASSURED-SUBMISSIVE HI 7.9 very high 88.3
UNASSUMING-INGENEOUS JK 8.3 very high 91.6
WARM-AGREEABLE LM 7.1 high 79.1

Interpersonal Spaceship

ASSURED-DOMINANT Assured-Dominant person prefers power and wants to have influence over others. You are moderately dominant.
ARROGANT-CALCULATING Arrogant-calculating person is arrogant and have strong desire for revange. You are highly hostile-dominant.
COLD-HEARTED Cold-hearted person is hostile, lacking affection and warmth of feeling, unfriednly, and critical. You are highly hostile.
ALOOF-INTROVERTED Aloof-introverted, person is hostile-submissive, socially avoidant, and distancing from any social support situation. You are very highly hostile-submissive.
UNASSURED-SUBMISSIVE Unassured-submissive person is avoidant, and does not demand or force anyone. You are very highly submissive.
UNASSUMING-INGENEOUS Unassuming-Ingenuous peroson is friedly-sybmissive, modestly clever, inventive, not arrogant, respectful, and exploitable. You are very highly friendly-submissive.
WARM-AGREEABLE Warm-aggreable person is friendly, nurturant, and a team player. You are highly friendly.
GREGARIOUS-EXTRAVERTED Gregarious-extraverted is friendly and dominant, and engaging. You are highly friendly-dominant.

More About Anupam SJB Rana

  • Music/Reading/Drama
  • Helping others
  • Religon
  • Education
  • Social interaction
  • Impacing individuals
  • Impacting socities
  • Working in teams
  • Communication
  • Teaching
  • Leading/Advising
  • Encouraging

Your Coe Interests
  • Community service
  • Social activities
  • Outdoor activities
  • Sports activities
  • Tools, machines
Your Core Values
  • Expressing feelings
  • Growth of others
  • Few, close friends
  • Practical things
  • Clear goals
Your Core Abilities
  • Listening
  • Facilitating
  • Managing tasks
  • Common sense
  • Problem solving

Your Leadership Style

Your predominant leadership style is Participative (Democratic) type. Which means that you tend to include subordinates in all processes; they tend to easily accept and incorporate subordinates’ propositions, and to show their understanding of the feelings and emotions of their subordinates.

Your Main Social Problem

Your main social problems (problems while dealing with others) are that you are Exploitable & Socially Avoidant

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